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CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 2009-022
Original file (2009-022.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied


Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No. 2009-222 




This proceeding was conducted according to the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and 
section  425  of  title  14  of  the  United  States  Code.    The  Chair  docketed  the  application  upon 
receipt  of  the  applicant’s  completed  application  and  military  records  on August  4,  2009,  and 
subsequently prepared the final decision as required by 33 C.F.R. § 52.61(c). 
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case. 

This  final  decision,  dated  May  13,  2010,  is  approved  and  signed  by  the  three  duly 


The applicant asked the Board to correct his record so that he is compensated for 34 days 
of leave charged to him while he was in a not fit for duty (NFFD) status. The applicant alleged 
that the Coast Guard violated its policy by placing him on annual leave while he was NFFD. 
The  applicant  was  a  reservist  performing  active  duty  when  he  was  placed  in  a  NFFD 
status  from  August  8,  2007  to  September  19,  2007,  while  undergoing  treatment  for  a  back 
condition.  According to the Coast Guard, the applicant was charged with 31 days of leave during 
the 43 days that he was not NFFD.   The applicant’s active duty orders were scheduled to expire 
on July 30, 2007, but were extended because the applicant was undergoing medical treatment.  
He was released from active duty on September 24, 2007. 


On December 18, 2009, the Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Coast Guard submitted 
a memorandum in which he adopted the comments provided by Commander, Personnel Service 
Center (PSC), as the Coast Guard’s advisory opinion.  PSC recommended that the Board grant 
the following relief:  “[That] partial relief be granted in that 31 days of leave be credited to the 
applicant along with any associated pay and entitlements.” 

In this regard, PSC stated that according to Article 7.A.2.e. of the Personnel Manual, sick 
leave  is  a  period  of  authorized  absence  granted  to  persons  while  under  medical  care  and 
treatment and is not chargeable as leave.   PSC stated that since the applicant was deemed NFFD 
from  August  8,  2007  to  September  19,  2007,  by  competent  medical  authority,  the  leave 
associated with that status for the entire 43-day period should have been attributed to sick leave 
in accordance with policy.  PSC recommended that the applicant receive any pay or entitlement 
as a result of the 31 days that were erroneously charged to him as leave while he was NFFD.   


On January 4, 2010, the Board received the applicant’s reply to the views of the Coast 
Guard.  He  accepted  the  Coast  Guard’s  offer  that  he  receive  pay  for  the  31  days  of  leave 
erroneously charged to him while he was in a NFFD status.  


The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the applicant's 

military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions, and applicable law: 

1.  The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to section 1552 of title 10 

of the United States Code.  The application was timely.    
2.  The JAG found, and the Board agrees, that the Coast Guard committed an error by 
charging the applicant leave for a portion of the period he was NFFD, instead of granting him 
sick leave for that entire period from August 8, 2007 to September 19, 2007.  Article 7.A.2.e. 
states that sick leave is not chargeable as leave.  Therefore, the Board agrees with the JAG that 
the 31 days of leave charged to the applicant during the NFFD period should be returned to him.  
The leave is then to be sold back to the government.  
accordance with the advisory opinion and the applicant’s reply to the advisory opinion.  

3.    Accordingly,  the  applicant’s  request  for  relief  should  be  partially  granted  in 






The  application  of  XXXXXXXXXXX,  USCGR  (Ret.),  for  correction  of  his  military 
record  is  granted,  in  part,  as  follows.    His  record  shall  be  corrected  to  show  that  he  was  not 
charged with 31 days of leave between August 8, 2007 and September 19, 2007, but that he was 
authorized sick leave for this entire period.  His record shall be further corrected to show that he 
sold the 31 days of leave back to the government upon his release from active duty on September 
24, 2007.  The Coast Guard shall pay him the amount due as a result of this correction. 




















 Donna M. Bivona 



 Nancy L. Friedman 



 Dorothy J. Ulmer 















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